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Added On 08.09.2015
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Boot Extended - UI Component Collection

Bootstrap template Boot Extended - UI Component Collection

Boot Extended is the collection of UI Components which helps you in designing website faster and easier. Boot Extended comes with more than 370 Unique UI Designs. It has almost every type of UIs like Admin block, Social media blocks, Pricing Table, Icon block, Image block, Landing page, Form, etc., By using Boot Extended you can extend Bootstrap to next level.


  1. More than 370 UI Designs.
  2. Fully based on Bootstrap.
  3. All designs are Responsive and works great on all Devices.
  4. Made using HTML, CSS, jQuery. No more slicing PSD.


  1. Bootstrap -
  2. jQuery -
  3. Respond - Authors & copyright (c) 2012: Scott Jehl, Paul Irish, Nicholas Zakas.
  4. Pattern -
  5. Font awesome icon -
  6. Photos -
  7. Animate.css -
  8. Magnific popup -
  9. Owl carousel -
  10. Countdown -
  11. Count To -
  12. Knob -
  13. jQuery UI -
  14. Placeholders -
  15. Bootstrap Switch -
  16. HTML5Shiv -
  17. Flot Charts -
  18. Nicescroll -
  19. Rate It -
  20. Respond js -
  21. Sparkline -

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